MTG - Lord of the Rings -Set Booster

MTG - Lord of the Rings -Set Booster
Regular price$699
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Every pack includes a combination of 1–4 card(s) of rarity Rare or higher and 3–7 Uncommon, 3–7 Common, and 1 Land cards. A Traditional Foil Land replaces the basic land in 20% of Set Boosters and a Foil-Stamped Signature Art Card replaces the Art Card in 10% of Set Boosters. A Traditional Foil Borderless Mythic Rare card can be found in <1% of boosters.
• Magic Meets The Lord of the Rings — Experience the beloved story of The Lord of the Rings with the strategic gameplay of Magic: The Gathering, facing off against opponents in thrilling magical battles
• Join the Fellowship — Immerse yourself in Middle-earth with unique game mechanics and stunning art that draw you into this epic tale
• Explore with a Set Booster — Designed for a fun pack-opening experience, if you want to explore the set by opening packs just to see what you get, Set Boosters are for you
• Art Card and Foil in Every Pack — Every Set Booster includes at least 1 shining Traditional Foil card and 1 Art Card showcasing a piece of art from the set, sometimes featuring a foil signature from the artist
• May Include Multiple Rare Cards — Every Set Booster contains a total of 12 MTG cards, including 1–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher